Monday, August 29, 2011

This is me.

All Friday posts, in my opinion, should be prefaced with this:

Such a classy picture, no?

According to that oh-so-accurate (insert slight sarcasm here) personality quiz, I am personality type INTP, or an architect. I'm moderately introverted - no lies there; I'm pretty shy - and a very rare specimen of human. Apparently, my personality type makes up only one percent of the entire human population. Lolwut.

The rest of that analysis is all lies, of course. It says that I'm able to concentrate better than any other type, but I'm the worst procrastinator in the world. If I can start my homework at two in the morning and still sleep at least one hour, I'll do it. Therefore, final verdict: lies.

1 comment:

  1. I literally just had to stop myself from lol'ing in class. I don't know what you're talking about though, she's super classy. Your entire blog made me laugh!
