Friday, August 26, 2011

Fluffy, Fluffy Owls

I love animals, so it's appropriate that the first book I blog about be about animals. More specifically, a single animal.

The book is titled "Wesley the Owl" by Stacey O'Brien, and it is possibly the saddest and cutest book I have ever read. In it, Stacey, a biologist, adopts an owl hatchling to raise, consequently falling in love with it. The owl, quite literally, falls in love with her too. It's like Hogwarts and my biology textbook met up and had a love child, complete with 'the power of love' and everything. Except, of course, there's no magic or noseless megalomaniac bald guys who love snakes a little too much.

Stacey O'Brien talks of The Way of the Owl, which entails never breaking promises and loving only one mate per lifetime. Owls become deeply attached to their one mate to the point of willing themselves to die if their mate dies. I find this incredibly moving. It's certain that owls have emotions and souls, as the author says, based on this act alone, but we humans have too much of a superiority complex to consider that the animals we coexist with are just humans with feathers or fur.

But anyways.

I definitely recommend this book. I laughed and cried through most of it, and I guarantee you will too. Unless of course you hate animals, in which case you can redirect to that blog about young adult vampire romance novels which is located in the failsauce portion of the interwebz, kthxbai. Just know that no one I know has ever cried while reading *insert shudder here* Twilight.

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